Freebies & Bonus Content

Here, you can find links to all the FREE stories and bonus content I currently offer! Bonus content may include things like deleted scenes or extended epilogues from my books.

handcuffs & coffee 2nd ed. (2)

In 2019, Handcuffs & Coffee: A Psychic’s Guide to Dating turned one year old! In celebration, I cleaned it up and made some minor revisions, but overall, it’s the same story. Looking back at the very first book I published, it was mighty tempting to rewrite it. My writing style and voice have evolved drastically over the past year, and I felt the need to preserve the original story as-is so that, if you read it, my journey as a writer is pretty evident. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this quirky rom-com. (14k word novelette.)

Download your FREE copy of Handcuffs & Coffee here!


Play for Keeps cover“Play for Keeps” is a 6,000 word short story that was originally written for The Korner, a Facebook group, as a bedtime story. It was divided into three parts which were posted over three nights. It features April and John, secondary characters from my steamy romcom, May the Best Man Win. This is their meet cute.

Download your FREE copy of “Play for Keeps: here!